Kimmy Sophia Brown

The Sorghum Cows

~ Written in January, 2003 ~

Aug 17, 2013

Last Saturday
The flakey Virginia January
Was muggy like a summer day
The sorghum cows chewed
And sprawled on the grass
Like a day at the beach.

Seven days later it is below 30 and snowing

The cows stand stunned
They are snow trimmed
Like tractors and trees

They stand still
Not moving not mooing
Like ceramic knick knack cows
Not blinking
Not eating
On a cold ceramic hillside
Enduring the weather
With no where to go.


Image(s) from Wikimedia Commons
Having a cow on our front page inspired me to excavate this old bit of verse - kkb

Kim lives in Maine, which is lovely, and where she continues her enthusiastic relationship with Art, Music, Nature, Books, Animals, Humor and Trees.