Kimmy Sophia Brown

The Song of Overwhelm

Jan 5, 2018

If bees pollinate in the key of C
what is the key of a stinging hornet?
In fact, is the entire cosmos annotated?
When Johannes Kepler heard
the ‘music of the spheres’
was his ear tilted up, cheek on palm,
smiling like the Mona Lisa,
listening to the enormous roar of the planets’ revolutions?
Listening in his body, the way notes vibrated Beethoven’s floor as he lay under the piano banging chords,
did Johannes notate the cosmic vibrations
in galactic shorthand,
attempting to contain the song of the expanding Milky Way and the playground songs of the planets in our backyard,
(galactically speaking, the ones familiar to us,)
as well as those other millions,
turning whirring spinning singing
in a truly mesmerizing Hallelujah chorus,
of a most coordinated miracle of the WILD NOW,
defying – place and time –
convoluted and inverted and too big to map or conceive or understand or cognize
except for a humble mumble of “my father and mother who art in heaven teach me my part in this song of overwhelm.”


Kim lives in Maine, which is lovely, and where she continues her enthusiastic relationship with Art, Music, Nature, Books, Animals, Humor and Trees.