Kimmy Sophia Brown

Silent Saturday

Aug 2, 2009

Another Saturday
the sun shining brightly
the radio raucous with song
the house deathly quiet.
My children grew up.
They are not here.
My purpose has changed,
like so many women
and so many men
who wear a brave face in their empty nest.

I’ve got things to do.
I can serve my community.
I can live my own life.

But the fact is
I miss them running around in their underwear
making noise,
eating bowls of cereal during Saturday cartoons
or plans to play somewhere.
Today there is eerie silence
and I don’t know what to do with myself.
Even if they were here
they wouldn’t be little any more.
I miss that.
On my lap with sticky faces and sticky fingers.
I was grateful at the time.
I knew I would miss it.
I never took it for granted.

Kim lives in Maine, which is lovely, and where she continues her enthusiastic relationship with Art, Music, Nature, Books, Animals, Humor and Trees.