Kimmy Sophia Brown
I am three.
I was spanked for some reason
so I crawl into the dog bed
with Smokey, more
My dear friend called. She said, “We drove to Idaho for the eclipse. We camped. It was the most amazing thing. more
I Wake Up Pleading
I wake up pleading
calm down, we are one. more
We Go for a Sunday Drive
We go for a Sunday drive which I hate
Why don’t we DO something I whine more
In Winter the Dawn Sky
In winter the dawn sky
looks like pen and ink, more
In My Sun-flecked Drive to Work
In my sun-flecked drive to work
I said I love you to a mailbox
with hand-painted flowers . . . more
The Planet Has Shifted
The planet has shifted to
the obvious darkness of evening
  and fall of mercury, more
I Heard My Cat Cry
I heard my cat cry
wandering the lonely house
while we slept. more
Whistler's Mother
If you put Whistler’s Mother in a pair
of jeans and muckboots,
and pull her gray hair
back into a pony tail more
The Rooster
The song of a soul is a funny thing.
The rooster up the road crows
fifty times a day... more