Kimmy Sophia Brown

At the Hour of Our Death Amen

Dec 30, 2017

At the hour of our death amen,
does our life play like a video?
All the standout moments;
the blood splash and cry of birth,
significant birthdays, applause and cake?
Traumas and yearnings,
confusion and burnings,
elations of love?
Can we see the reasons why
like the wiring and plumbing hidden in walls,
that led us to this sorrow or that joy?
Does a voice we know narrate our story,
comforting the stupid and shameful moments,
encouraging the times we were brave?
For the arc of our life, from sperm/egg explosion
to final death rattle –
How great it would be to know that
the underpinnings of love were all there
in the journey,
that when we turn the garment of our life inside out,
they show up like careful, fine stitches.


Kim lives in Maine, which is lovely, and where she continues her enthusiastic relationship with Art, Music, Nature, Books, Animals, Humor and Trees.