I want to recommend three books by Dr. Christiane Northrup, that have been helpful to me in my life:
Dr. Northrup’s dedication in the front of “Women’s Bodies,
Women’s Wisdom”, sets the tone for her refreshing viewpoint about women’s
“This book is for all who believe that is is possible to live our lives fully regardless of our present or past circumstances. It is for all who acknowledge the daily presence in our lives of mystery, uncertainty and hope. It is for those who yearn to be well and know that there is something more to healing than simply external substances or techniques. This book is for every physician, nurse, health care practitioner, healer or patient who has ever honestly acknowledged how much we don’t know. It is for those who know that our healing will not be complete until we bring the sacred back into our daily lives. This book is dedicated with gratitude to the scientists and healers of the past, present and future who have dared and continue to dare to go forward in faith, hope and joy despite the deadening effects of conventional thinking.”
Dr. Northrup encourages women to examine their history -- their own personal health as well as the health of their mothers, grandmothers or others in their lineage. Paying attention to the signals from our own bodies, as well as being aware of the medical history in our family, can help us diagnose and treat problems more easily when or if they arise.
We can learn to change things about our lifestyle, such as what we eat, the type of exercise we do, our attitudes, our spiritual beliefs and our overall approach to health. I like the fact that she encourages intelligent communication between doctor and patient, and that she validates eastern philosophies such as meditation, acupuncture, Chinese medicine and massage, as well as the western American Medical Association approach to health.
The writing style is respectful toward the reader and uses understandable language. I’ve given “Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom”, to my adult daughter and have recommended it to friends. Questions that I had about symptoms that I was experiencing during menopause were answered. I have appreciated her insight and guidance on many occasions.
Read more or sign up for her email newsletter at http://www.drnorthrup.com.
Note: "Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom" has been completely updated and revised, and scheduled for release on 6/1/10. For more information, please visit:
Photo of Dr. Northrup used with permission.
Photo by Barbara Peacock. Cropped for publication.