In the background, the three wind turbines of the world famous spiritual community, The Findhorn Foundation, in Scotland.
Eileen Caddy is one of the founders of The Findhorn Community in Scotland. The stories surrounding its beginnings are the stuff of legend.
Go to the Findhorn website to learn more. Mrs. Caddy is the author of several books that contain much of the guidance she received from the Divine during those early years. This is an excerpt from The Foundations of Findhorn, published by the Findhorn Foundation, 1976.
These quotes are from Chapter Five, “Change”:
“There was a picture of an ugly duckling being transformed into a beautiful swan. I heard the words, ‘That divine spark is within every heart but before the transformation can take place it has to be fanned, until it is a flame of deepest love and dedication to Me and My service.’”
“It is identifying yourselves with the oneness of all life
With all wisdom
With all power
That opens doors and enables the laws to operate within each one of you.
Why watch miracles happen in the lives of others
When they can just as well happen in yours
When you attune yourselves to this power and oneness
And accept that you can do all things through Me
For I strengthen you and uphold you
And work in and through you”