Kimmy Sophia Brown

Martin Prechtel - Causing the Holy in Nature to Succeed

~ Author, shamanic practitioner, and teacher, Martin Prechtel, shares his beautiful heart ~

Apr 20, 2018

“Just like Indigenous thought the world over, which having no priority for human success, knows that humans are here to give the juice of their unique beauty and grief to cause the Holy in Nature to succeed; what we do might fail, but magnificently, for it would never fail miserably because in this scared industrial age failing magnificently in any attempt to feed the Holy and keep large rare thoughts alive creates culture in the process and reinstates the nobility of the natural soul– a soul so beautiful it is like a wild horse, something worth feeding and trying to ride, even if in the end he, like what we learn, just runs off thundering back to the pastures of the Divine, healthier than when we started.” 

This quote is from the book, Long Life, Honey in the Heart, by Martin Prechtel.

Other books by Martin Prechtel are Secrets of the Talking Jaguar; The Disobedience of the Daughter of the Sun; Stealing Benefacio’s Roses; The Unlikely Peace at Cuchumaquic and The Smell of Rain on Dust: Grief and Praise. Find out more about workshops at his international school in New Mexico, Bolad's Kitchen. Or read interviews and learn more about his work with indigenous people, at his website:

Posted by Kimmy Sophia Brown
Photo credit, Johanna Prechtel, used with permission