“Pushing yourself too hard? Doing too much for others? Break
the pattern. Have a giggle. Lighten up. And always remember: Humor is the
mildest detergent of them all.”
This is from a section in The Healing Runes, about the Rune of Humor. The Healing Runes are a tool for the Recovery of Body, Mind, Heart & Soul. I received this beautiful green book and pouch of rune stones among Christmas gifts from Peter. I use them in the morning to start my day, and find that they contain wisdom and comfort and speak to the heart of whatever I seem to need in the moment. The Rune of Humor is based on the ancient Rune, Flow, which looks a little like a backwards seven or a shepherd’s crook.
This section also states that, “humor is healing’s handmaiden”. If you are looking for a little tool to begin the day with a nudge in the right direction, I highly recommend The Healing Runes. (available through Amazon.com and major booksellers.)