Kimmy Sophia Brown

Sleeping Bag Coat Invented by Veronika Scott

Apr 12, 2015

Veronika Scott states on her Empowerment Plan website that the mission of her company is “to educate, employ and empower homeless individuals to create a better life for themselves and their families while producing a humanitarian product for those in need.” I don't know about you, but that is about as high-minded a goal as I have heard of in a long time. Watch this video and if you feel called, please support this brave and inspired project. This girl's passion is to empower her hometown of Detroit! She was the child of addicts, but she has come so far. One of the sponsors of her incredible project is American Express. Imagine this kind of example replicated all over the world. We wish her and her project and the participants every possible blessing.

To find out more, visit and

Posted by Kimmy Sophia Brown