Kimmy Sophia Brown

Help the World

This section came from The Significato Journal, which was a joint effort between my husband, Peter, and me. The content is too good to abandon, so we've brought it over to my website. I may or may not update it. We'll see!

It highlights issues that need to be resolved and projects that need help.

Galen Fulford The Re-Integration of Nature - Galen Fulford
A Findhorn TEdx Salon Talk
Biomatrix Water Systems creates floating filters that restore polluted water sources back to their original pristine condition. Watch this inspiration and very hopeful talk by Galen Fulford, Managing Director of Biomatrix. more
Eben Bayer Replacing Styrofoam with Packaging Made from Mushrooms!
Eben Bayer and Ecovative Design
Watch these videos introducing one of the most innovative Green Technologies created to date! more
Shoe That Grows
The first product of a charity focused on "Practical Compassion"
Kenton Lee was working at an orphanage in Kenya when he noticed that many of the children were either going without shoes or wearing shoes that were too small. more
Shelter Box ShelterBox
Founded in 2000, ShelterBox provides desperately needed housing when disaster strikes. Humanitarian organizations often supply food and medical supplies but sometimes cannot provide shelter. This is a brilliant life saving project that brings tears to our eyes.
Every year, hundreds of thousands of families across the world lose everything when disasters strike. more
Aldo Leopold - Land as Commodity or Community?
Excerpt from "Sand County Almanac"
“Conservation is getting nowhere because it is incompatible with our Abrahamic concept of land. We abuse land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us. When we see land as a community to which we belong, we may begin to use it with love and respect. more
Sleeping Bag Coat Invented by Veronika Scott
Veronika Scott states on her website Empowerment Plan that the mission of her company is "to educate, employ and empower homeless individuals to create a better life for themselves and their families while producing a humanitarian product for those in need." more
Six Ways Mushrooms Can Save the World
~ Ted Talk by author and scientist Paul Stamets ~
Paul Stamets is a scientist, an inventor, and the author of Mycelium Running: How Mushrooms Can Save the World, as well as other books. more
Winter Plant Musings
~ This first appeared in Ms. Bluth's newsletter "A Spoonful of Legend" ~
It is late February. Blanketed with snow in New England, it’s hard to remember sometimes those plant roots underneath in the depth, waiting. I love to think of them – their energy pulled in, gathering. Soon. And in the meantime, the night sky often reveals such clear, bright stars it takes my breath away. more
Help the Philippines Recover from Typhoon Rammasun
We want to help raise awareness about Typhoon Rammasun's disastrous effect in the Philippines. more
Solar Freakin' Roadways Solar Freakin' Roadways
What a time we’re living in! One of the latest amazing developments for the sake of humanity is the innovation of SOLAR ROADWAYS, created by Scott and Julie Brusaw. more