Kimmy Sophia Brown

Dr. Emoto's Children's Peace Project

May 14, 2010

Posted by Kimmy Sophia Brown

The first time I saw Dr. Masaru Emoto’s photographs of water crystals, I cried. I realized that the subtle truths that reside in the universe are often missed because of our hurried and often rather external lives.

Masaru Emoto’s books, “The Hidden Messages in Water”, “The True Power of Water: Healing and Discovering Ourselves”, “Messages from Water and the Universe”, and others reveal a miraculous phenomenon about water. The following quote is from the dust jacket of, “The Hidden Messages in Water”.

Using high-speed photography, Dr. Emoto discovered that crystals formed in frozen water reveal changes when specific, concentrated thoughts are directed toward them. He found that water from clear springs and water that has been exposed to loving words, shows brilliant complex and colorful snowflake patterns. In contrast, polluted water, or water exposed to negative thoughts form incomplete, asymmetrical patterns with dull colors.

To merely read this description doesn’t do justice to the effect of the photographs.

Dr. Emoto suggests from his research that since the earth and the human body are both made of approximately two-thirds water, there is a great connection between the two.

Dr. Emoto’s idea is to educate children around the world about the sensitivity of water. He is teaching them about how we can actively change water sources, from polluted to clean, by our thoughts, particularly by thoughts of gratitude and love. We may be able to change the emotional climate of the world employing this technique, too.

“The Messages from Water” children’s book has been translated into nearly twenty languages.

Dr. Emoto has visited groups of children around the world to give out free copies of the book and educate them about his experiments. One of the schools in Jakarta did an experiment with plants, writing the words, “love” and “gratitude” on the pots. The plants that were loved and watered grew beautifully, and the ones that were ignored dwindled or were eaten by bugs.

Dr. Emoto’s mission is to awaken sensitivity in children and adults and to help us realize the power we hold in our attitudes and thoughts. His books are inspiring and incredible testimonies to humanity’s intrinsic connection to nature. Despite the damage that has been done to the earth and our water supply, his experiments suggest that the damage can be reversed quite literally by our love.

Find out more about Dr. Emoto’s Peace Project for children and his other wonderful work.

The website documents where he has traveled to date, and provides information about donations which will be used to print and distribute his children’s book.

Hado is the Japanese word that means wave motion or vibration. All things have a vibration.

The photographs on the Hado website defy description. If you have not seen Dr. Emoto’s work, please take a minute to view the photos on the website. For more information click on the following URLS: